James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
James 1:1 (NKJV)
James is the half brother of Jesus. (They shared Mary as their mother.) Can you imagine growing up with your brother only to see him tortured, killed, and resurrected within a three day period? For James, Jesus goes from a big brother to his Lord and Savior! That is pretty mind-blowing. (As a sister to two brothers I CANNOT imagine the transformation that would have to take in my mind and heart.)
In the above verse James writes that he is a bondservant of God. Another word that can be substituted here for bondservant is slave. However, the use of the word slave is not used in the way we think of it today. It is not the horrific picture we see in history of the way we as a nation have and continue to treat those of color and even our most vulnerable........children. (As a nation does not mean everyone is guilty of the mistreatment of people of color or children but people in general. This is a topic of its own for another day.) James is using the word bondservant to show his total and complete surrender to his Lord and Savior. He is willing to go anywhere or do anything his Master tells him to do.
This leads us to the question, "Who are you a slave to?" I am a slave to food. I. Love. Food. It is my go to emotional support animal. I eat when I am happy. I eat when I am sad. I eat to celebrate. I eat to commiserate. I Eat!!!!!! I am a slave to food. My body tells me when I am out of control. Sometimes I listen; sometimes I do not.
This is not what God intended for us. He does not want us to be a slave to anything or anyone but Him. We are designed by Him to serve Him. God is also not the slave owner our minds typically go to when we hear that word. God is a kind, gentle, caring Master who only wants what is best for us.
Today I am starting a devotional designed to lead me to freedom from food. It is a 90 day spiritual journey to freedom from food addiction. I want to only follow one Master, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Pray, pray, pray that God will walk you through how to release whatever other master you are following.
What are you a slave to that you need to let go of? What will you start working on TODAY that will draw you closer to your true Master instead of a false one?
Journal your journey. Buy a special notebook just for this area. I love to be able to look back to see where I have come from.
Thanks for the prayers! I am making progress. I have discovered it is more of a struggle with emotions than food! I will be writing about that as well.
How are you doing with this? I will be praying for you.